2007 - Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu 383, Seria Ogrodnictwo 41: 357-362

Ireneusz Ochmian1, Józef Grajkowski1, Rolf Kirchhof2

Wpływ mulczowania gleby na plonowanie
oraz jakość owoców truskawki odmiany ‘Filon’

Z 1Katedry Sadownictwa
Akademii Rolniczej w Szczecinie
oraz z 2Obstbau Versuchs- und Beratungszentrum w Jorku, Niemcy

Abstract. Three-year lasting experiment tested an influence of mulching by three different synthetic covers – black and white polyethylene film, a black non-woven polypropylene on yield and fruits quality of ‘Filon’ strawberry cultivar. The black polyethylene film increased the soil temperature most and its surface was the warmest. The control combination made yield the highest.

Key words: strawberry, mulch, yield, fruit weight, fruit firmness


The influence of soil mulching on yielding and fruits quality
of ‘Filon’ strawberry cultivar


Three-year lasting experiment tested an influence of mulching by three different synthetic covers – a black and white polyethylene film, a black non-woven polypropylene on yield and fruits quality of Filon strawberry cultivar. Mulching by a black polyethylene film increased soil temperature by 4°C in relation to control value, however in soil air under the white polyethylene film was affirmed CO2 content. All in all the highest yield was obtained out of the control combination strawberries, the yield was higher by about 40% with relation to mulched plants. The black polyethylene film had a negative influence on fruit size. There was observed the highest firmness in fruits harvested from mulched combination with relation to control value.